Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Love Actually...

Love, n. That disposition or state of feeling with regard to a person which (arising from recognition of attractive qualities, from instincts of natural relationship, or from sympathy) manifests itself in solicitude for the welfare of the object, and usually also in delight in his or her presence and desire for his or her approval; warm affection, attachment. —Oxford English Dictionary

Yet even that larger conception of love is too constricted to cover enough, because Love is a kind of suitcase-like word, which includes other kinds of attachments like these:

The love of a parent for a child.A child's affection for parents and friends.The bonds that make lifelong companionships.The connections of members to groups or their leaders.

We also apply that same word ‘love’ to our fondness for objects, events, and beliefs.

A convert's adherence to doctrine or scripture.A patriot's allegiance to country or nation.A scientist's passion for finding new truths.A mathematician's devotion to proofs.

We thus apply 'love' to our likings for things that we treasure, desire, or fill us with pleasure. We apply it to bonds that are sudden and brief, but also to those that increase through the years. Some occupy just small parts of our minds, while others pervade our entire lives.

But why do we pack such dissimilar things into a single suitcase-like word?

When we fall in love, it's almost as though someone new has emerged—a person who thinks in other ways, with altered goals and priorities. It's almost as though a switch had been thrown, and a different program has started to run. No one finds it surprising these days when we make machines that do logical things, because logic is based on clear, simple rules of the sorts that computers can easily use. But Love by its nature, some people would say, cannot and ought not be explained in such ways!
" ...love has to be so,involving and general,particular and terrifying,honoured and yet in mourning,flowering like the stars,and measureless as a kiss.”
What is Love, and how does it work? Is this something we want to understand, or should we see such poems as hints that we don’t really care to probe into it?

“I’ve just fallen in love with a wonderful person. I scarcely can think about anything else. My sweetheart is unbelievably perfect—of indescribable beauty, flawless character, and incredible intelligence. There is nothing I would not do for her.”

On the surface such statements seem positive; they’re all composed of superlatives. But note that there’s something strange about this: most of those phrases of positive praise use syllables like ‘un’, ‘less’ and ‘in’ —which show that they really are negative statements describing the person who’s saying them!
Wonderful. Indescribable,------ (I can't figure out what attracts me to her.)I scarcely can think of anything else.------ (Most of my mind has stopped working.)Unbelievably Perfect. Incredible.------ (No sensible person believes such things.) She has a Flawless Character.------(I've abandoned my critical faculties.)There is nothing I would not do for her.------ (I've forsaken most of my usual goals.)

When we fall in luv we see only d positives. Suppressing our real thoughts n wandering in a dream world. We are equally apt to deceive ourselves, not only in our personal lives but also when dealing with abstract ideas. There, too, we often close our eyes to conflicts and clashes between our beliefs.
What does a lover actually love? That should be the person to whom you’re attached—but if your pleasure mainly results from suppressing your other questions and doubts, then you’re only in love with Love itself. But the thrill ends when u propose to her….it doesn’t matter whether she/he accepts or rejects…d moment its done all d excitement is over.

Actually a woman needs certain things. She needs to be loved, wanted, cherished, sought after, wooed, flattered, cosseted, pampered. She needs sympathy, affection, devotion, understanding, tenderness, infatuation, adulation, idolatry….now I feel exhausted. Is there anyone out there who don’t bother even if I don’t remember her b’day, even if I don’t pick her calls, even if I don’t take her to d movies……………..fill up d list
I hate clichés n last but not d least who luv me for what I am...

Actually I want to fall in luv again no matter how long I hav to wait for it!